The Clerk of Courts has been working with the Franklin County Purchasing Department on a countywide initiative to implement Pitney Bowes’ new certified mail solution, SendPro Enterprise. The prior solution, SendSuite Live, was retired this past year. We have outlined below the changes from the implementation of the new SendPro Enterprise:
- SendPro Enterprise is a software solution that meets the updated electronic return receipt (ERR) standards for certified mail and provides updated tracking via the SendPro App. This will allow the Clerk of Courts office to research parcels and print and or re-print United States Postal Services (USPS) signature pages.
- SendPro Enterprise utilizes the USPS Address Validation tool. This tool validates addresses based on the city, state, and zip code before generating a certified mail tracking number in order to reduce wasted postage. Addresses that are input as “unknown” or that have mis-matching city, state, or zip code information will not generate a certified mail tracking number and will not be sent for delivery. The Clerk of Courts will review all items that fail to generate certified mail service, and will either correct known errors or docket an error notice to the case.
- The Clerk of Courts will no longer utilize a Certified Mail envelope with the service address, case number, and tracking number information printed on the envelope. Instead, a cover sheet containing this information required for certified mail service will be printed and inserted into a new windowed envelope. A copy of that cover sheet will then be docketed to the case, serving as the Proof of Issuance (POI).
- The ERR will have an additional Shipper Reference Number added.
While we understand that the handling of unknown or mismatching addresses is a significant change in business process, the Clerk of Courts is committed to documenting occurrences in a way that will allow the Courts and the parties to easily identify errors. We will also prepare training materials outlining these changes, as well as provide guidance to filers requesting service to unknown addresses in the Clerk’s efiling system. Please see the links below for specific information on docketing appearance and information related to certified mail service.