Welcome to the upgraded version of eFiling. To ensure that your organization continues to receive electronic email notifications about filings, please work with your IT department to prevent those email notifications from being flagged as spam or junk.
Court Specific Information
Common Pleas General Division, Domestic Relations Division and Juvenile Branch, and the 10th District Court of Appeals
The Clerk of Courts has basic training videos below, along with an overview of the differences that filers will experience with the most recent updates to the eFiling system.
Each Court has issued an Administrative Order to address the efiling shutdown on February 14th and the impact to filing deadlines. You can access those Administrative Orders here:
Common Pleas Probate Division
Current Franklin County Probate Court e-filed case types will be upgraded to Tybera eFlex version 10. This includes adoption, civil, involuntary civil commitment, and name change cases. Additional probate case types will be added to the e-filing system in a phased approach starting with estates and trusts in March, guardianship and other miscellaneous case types in April. Probate Court expects to be e-filing all case types by the end of May 2025 in alignment with the other divisions of Franklin County Common Pleas Court. For additional probate specific information please visit: https://probate.franklincountyohio.gov/.
The Probate Court has also issued an Administrative Order to address the eFiling shutdown on February 14th and the impact to filing deadlines.
Filer's Interface Differences
Attorney Registration
Dealing With Rejection
Introduction Criminal File a Motion
Introduction Filing a Bond Hearing
ProSe Registration